Workshops for Students

FGE delivers engaging workshops to prepare first-generation and undocumented students to thrive in their college and career journey.

We partner with high schools, colleges, and non-profit organizations to design workshops that are specific to the unique needs of their first-generation and undocumented students. We personalize our workshops based on students’ grade/education level (e.g. a high school-level workshop will be more general than a college-level workshop).

Want to learn more? Reach out to us using the inquiry form at the bottom of this page!

Our current workshop offerings include:

  • Entrepreneurship 101

  • Preparing for Graduate and Professional School

  • Making the Most of Your Time in College

  • Major and Career Exploration

  • Building Your Professional Portfolio

  • Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

  • Networking and Building Professional Relationships

    For students in California only:

  • Financial Aid 101

  • Financial Aid for Undocumented Students

  • College Applications 101

Some of our past workshops:

  • “I really enjoyed the workshop. It was very helpful and informative. I [have not] learned as much about college, scholarships, and resources from [any other] place compared to FGE. You are making a difference in the lives of many first generation college students."

    High school student

  • “It was very hard to find the motivation to do anything, let alone go to college. If it wasn't for FGE, I wouldn't have applied to college because I wouldn't have understood that it is a valid career open to me. Now I have made it into Cal Poly Pomona and am on my way up."

    High school student

We have delivered our workshops to students at:

Want to learn more?
Reach out to us.